Single Property Website Examples

Custom Single Property Website

Each listing gets its own single property website, custom-designed to highlight unique features and attract buyers. These websites are user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and include custom domains, photo galleries, video tours, and SEO enhancements to increase visibility. Integrated lead capture tools help convert visitors into leads, making your listings stand out in the market and sell faster.

Social Media Post Scheduling

We create expertly crafted social media campaigns, tailored and optimized for each platform. By scheduling and posting compelling content across networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google Business, we enhance your listing's visibility and strengthen your online brand presence. Our strategic approach drives traffic, generates leads, and showcases your listings effectively to attract attention and engagement.

Targeted Ads

We deploy targeted ads across Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to precisely reach potential buyers. By focusing on specific demographics and geographic areas, our ads ensure that your listings are seen by the most relevant audiences. This targeted approach maximizes exposure and drives high-quality leads to your properties, enhancing the effectiveness of your online marketing efforts and boosting the chances of a quick sale.

Geographic Farming Ads

Listing Promo Pro strategically targets a geographic farm around your listing with curated ads on Facebook and Instagram, ensuring your property and brand remain highly visible. We meticulously prepare a list of homeowners in the vicinity of your listing and directly target them with engaging social media ads. This targeted approach not only boosts visibility among potential buyers and sellers who regularly pass by your signage but also keeps your brand top of mind within the community. By consistently reaching out to a local audience, we help establish your presence as the go-to real estate expert in the area, enhancing both immediate interest in your current listings and long-term brand recognition.

Targeted Ads to your Database

Listing Promo Pro offers a unique feature that allows you to leverage your existing database for targeted ads. Simply provide us with the contact information from your database, and we'll ensure that your ads reach these contacts directly. This method is an effective way to stay top-of-mind with individuals who already know, like, and trust you, all while maintaining a passive presence that doesn't intrude on their email inboxes or burden them with physical mail. Additionally, you have the option to include your sellers in this database, giving them the opportunity to see the customized ads for their own homes. This not only reinforces their confidence in your marketing skills but also enhances their engagement with the selling process.

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